Not for Kids!

I've started work on a few pages of a coloring book inspired by the first assignment in the last post. Instead of copying naked goddesses in masterworks, however, I have decided to create an alphabet coloring book of things that you certainly wouldn't want your child to learn about or be encouraged to do.

Here are the first two pages:

This first one was originally about 32x40" and done with India ink and a brush. I took a picture and live traced it in Illustrator. Text added digitally.

After doing the first on a large scale with a brush and ink, I decided I preferred to have more control and did the second one on 11x14" Bristol with an India ink brush pen. I then scanned it into the computer and live traced it. The text was again added digitally.

Next up: C, D, and E!


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Meet The Author

Rochelle BaRoss is currently livin' the dream in Brooklyn, working as a Cold Weather Accessory Designer and dabbling in her love of all things illustration and design in her spare time.